New Release! Hacking Kickstarter Mini Pocket Guide – Amazon Countdown Promotion Nov 3-6, 2018

Be Sure To Mark Your Calendars For November 3-6


When I first wrote my Hacking Kickstarter book several years ago, I didn’t expect it to be a consistent seller for years; but it has been. That must mean that people find it very helpful. That makes me feel good. Every year I update the book with additional information or remove outdated resources.

But this time I’ve decided to condense the book to 44 pages so that it could be consumed in one sitting.

Enter: The Mini Pocket Guide to my Hacking Kickstarter Series.

This “mini pocket guide” has the same information I used in the first release, however, this pocket guide is a scaled-down, less detailed version. I have also omitted a few chapters.

For an expanded version, please purchase the original Hacking Kickstarter version.

As a new release, I’ve decided to put it on sale: November 3-6. This will be an Amazon Countdown deal. The current price is $3.99. November 3 it will be lowered to $0.99 on day one, $1.99 on day two and $2.99 on day three, before it goes back up to its standard price.

If you’ve used any book in my crowdfunding series and saw success, I’d love to hear from you. Contact me with your story and I may include it in my next book release.



Patrice Williams Marks is an authorSensitivity Reader, founder of courses that teach Sensitivity Reading, founder of a non-profit charity, founder of several film festivals with diverse entries from filmmakers and writers. She also has a background in public relations, marketing, and journalism with an emphasis on research.